Preacher Lawson: Comedian Hilariously Describes His Love Life - America's Got Talent: The Champions

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LOL! Preacher tells hilarious stories about being vegan and his dating life.
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Preacher Lawson: Comedian Hilariously Describes His Love Life - America's Got Talent: The Champions
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@andif.izdiharuddien9372 6 жыл бұрын
"If i'm not broke, we all ain't broke" That's really beautiful.
@mefford67 5 жыл бұрын
Andi F Izdiharuddien *Agree!*
@dominicabah8504 5 жыл бұрын
@aprammus9580 4 жыл бұрын
Your right he’s a GREAT bloody philosopher
@JoshH06 4 жыл бұрын
@jacobsajan9202 4 жыл бұрын
And it's also really scripted
@meetpenny_ 6 жыл бұрын
"Wakanda forever, that's my plan "....... 😂😂😂😂😂 that kills me!!
@tengkuayman3491 6 жыл бұрын
What minute did he say that?
@okami4517 6 жыл бұрын
Mr Boombastic 5:24
@jeffersonrivera8216 5 жыл бұрын
@glowreeya7 5 жыл бұрын
@Lloyiq 5 жыл бұрын
Tengku Ayman at the end
@cinnaboba1806 6 жыл бұрын
"I was just like... SHE GOT IT ON ME!!" I was dying
@onigiri1685 5 жыл бұрын
You got a reply
@mclovin9151 5 жыл бұрын
would that not be racist if a white guy said that about touching a black girl....this show is freaking weird
@ChemicalHeXx 5 жыл бұрын
@@mclovin9151 you're far too sensitive. As a Black, horror movie lover I wouldn't mind if a white guy said that. Turning a different color is horrifying. Imagine waking up literally being blue. Using your logic though I guess I'm just being racist to Smurfs. It's a joke!
@trolly5756 5 жыл бұрын
My Name Is David Hogg & I Approve This Message no I wouldn’t find it offensive I’m black and I would’ve just laughed cause he is comedian and it’s a joke white comedians have made jokes that would be offensive if they weren’t funny but sense they where funny no one minded. He didn’t say she was gross or anything just said she got her foundation on him who would be offended by that.
@finlaysouthey8445 4 жыл бұрын
Btw nice pic
@ananyaramachandra9957 6 жыл бұрын
Just give him his own show already
@doghi3813 5 жыл бұрын
They should he wold not be broke
@samerchowdhury8217 5 жыл бұрын
He has a YT channel thank god/gosh
@zikness4401 5 жыл бұрын
@@samerchowdhury8217 demonitization would be all over on him if that so
@AlbertCBitte 5 жыл бұрын
@tomball8092 5 жыл бұрын
@khairulazlan5318 6 жыл бұрын
This guy needs a movie opprtunity
@_official_royalty9646 5 жыл бұрын
He would instantly become a millionaire actor
@StarMakerification 5 жыл бұрын
@@_official_royalty9646 Very true..
@Dave-cm3pm 5 жыл бұрын
@kiiroisyellow 5 жыл бұрын
Him in a horror movie be like “No you go first, man all black men die in the scary movies, YOU GO FIRST”
@sagek7949 4 жыл бұрын
He could be the next Jim Carry :) I want him to :)
@tbonereacts4421 5 жыл бұрын
“So if my memory is correct you have a son?” Preacher confused af “ I-I have a son?”😂😂😂
@t31etubby 6 жыл бұрын
This literally looked like a Netflix comedy special.
@Bunkstertx98 5 жыл бұрын
Good idea, I want to see a Netflix comedy special of Preacher Lawson.
@thembamsibi64 5 жыл бұрын
Better than Kevin Hart's Netflix comedy special?
@thisiswhatido8920 5 жыл бұрын
@@thembamsibi64 lmao easy
@Anonymous-xj6ed 5 жыл бұрын
At 6:25 who is that girl in white?
@bored3847 5 жыл бұрын
@@Anonymous-xj6ed Sofie Dossi finalist season 11 I think
@kacejohnson4099 6 жыл бұрын
He said "A 12 year old ventriloquist" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@mmojim8011 6 жыл бұрын
@zeikigai6638 6 жыл бұрын
When did he say that
@kacejohnson4099 6 жыл бұрын
@@zeikigai6638 He said it at 0:43
@leinardesteves3987 5 жыл бұрын
Kace Johnson isn’t she?
@bobsacamento7879 5 жыл бұрын
Leinard Esteves it was the way he said it and what he meant by it
@thejennifercatherine 5 жыл бұрын
“Oh they love my money so everything is good” 😂😂
@swiftsilence7730 6 жыл бұрын
Preacher should sell tickets to a show that cost $14.87 as a joke
@RMAnimations 6 жыл бұрын
I don't get the 1487 joke, wanna explain?
@nasserx720 6 жыл бұрын
@@RMAnimations He said in the video that he was so broke that he had -14.87$
@RMAnimations 6 жыл бұрын
@@nasserx720 oh lol didn't catch that
@swiftsilence7730 6 жыл бұрын
@@RMAnimations One of his jokes was that once he had -$14.87 in his bank account
@danalongpre1351 6 жыл бұрын
Great idea!!!
@viopsadmin 6 жыл бұрын
This guy could easily transition to a movie career. He reminds me of Eddie Murphy back in the day.
@queenb2646 6 жыл бұрын
Was thinking the same he should become an actor
@BuckyBrown-lt4ry 6 жыл бұрын
Both are unfunny.
@tunanocrust2642 6 жыл бұрын
I hope someone picks him up for a comedy movie roll. He could totally pull it off. Hope to see a stand up special one day too!
@Chelsea-ws7bi 6 жыл бұрын
His materials are eddie Murphy style
@MCBoult 6 жыл бұрын
@Vex T He could be Will Smith because he's a cool dude and Eddie Murphy because he's hysterical
@weahbettytwum9448 5 жыл бұрын
Not a single cringeworthy or dull moment. Loved every single aspect.
@sof6527 6 жыл бұрын
This season of AGT is basically the quater quell of the hunger games, but with talent lol
@stephs8939 6 жыл бұрын
Except rigged! Wait-
@jos2578 6 жыл бұрын
Damn I was thinking that but you beat me to it hahaha!
@jamieyi9887 6 жыл бұрын
That's excatly what i thought!! Lol
@Raegrae13 6 жыл бұрын
Ahhhh I miss ThG!
@ruthpaul9964 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly the people who get this are my favourite
@saraicordova4707 6 жыл бұрын
He should be an ACTOR !!!!! Comedy movies OMG ... perfect 👌😂 am I right ?
@Disney65Fan 6 жыл бұрын
Him and Kevin Hart in a film together would be funny
@TheRedMask08 6 жыл бұрын
he's acts like eddie murphy
@amrmb1224 6 жыл бұрын
Sarai Cordova i agree
@SUGAR_XYLER 6 жыл бұрын
*Actors are one step above hookers*
@matthewm9388 6 жыл бұрын
@@TheRedMask08 He totally reminds me of Eddie Murphy, and yes he killed it.
@tito3430 5 жыл бұрын
“Alright thank you three vegans” 😂😂😂😂😂😂 3:29
@nicolasissa2436 5 жыл бұрын
@Mahvel2baby 6 жыл бұрын
It's like Terry Crews and Eddie Murphy had a son and named him Preacher Lawson 😆. He has the muscles and the Eddie Murphy laugh he did at the end with Terry
@chineseguywithoutcoronavir6687 6 жыл бұрын
Hello white chocolate
@generalabz5684 6 жыл бұрын
Terry crews aint funny
@valyouablecreationsstudio 6 жыл бұрын
I think it’s more of if Kevin Hart and Eddie Murphy had a baby 😂😂🐸☕️
@tamisakariyas-de8201 6 жыл бұрын
Most comedians don’t make me laugh, they make me bored.... But, by the end of his performance, I don’t if I was crying or laughing. 😂
@bads4905 6 жыл бұрын
dave chappele? bill burr? no?
@Apokalupsis88 6 жыл бұрын
@@bads4905 Both are awesome.
@Apokalupsis88 6 жыл бұрын
You should see him live at a club. Saw him a few months ago in Portland. He killed it. Got to meet him (and his brother who was rhd opener) after. He's the real deal, very humble and appreciative of his fans. Love him.
@fatmahassan8392 6 жыл бұрын
He is the first comedian in agt to make me laugh
@Riglowskin 4 жыл бұрын
He said “ you jus can’t eat somn cause it’s ugly, if that’s the case some a y’all looking tasty tonight “😂😂😭💀💀💀💀💀
@cadenbagasao9344 3 жыл бұрын
Do you understand the Trader Joe’s part? Because I don’t.
@jollofrice914 3 жыл бұрын
@@cadenbagasao9344 white people love Trader Joe’s
@traxmatic 6 жыл бұрын
If he doesn’t win I’m throwing hands😂
@traxmatic 6 жыл бұрын
Emily Rogina ,,, hmph😤😤 👐👐👐💨💨
@LV-vi5vb 6 жыл бұрын
Throw hands plz
@iamx3656 6 жыл бұрын
Throw hands plz
@josephseka6439 5 жыл бұрын
방탄소년단xo who won? That Lin dude right?
@iamx3656 5 жыл бұрын
@@flowr6508 no its shin lim
@ethangray2910 6 жыл бұрын
He deserves to win the whole thing.
@kimberleywilliams7802 5 жыл бұрын
@@marleytarver9759 did he? Or no
@duke9874 5 жыл бұрын
nope. Shin lim won. Can't argue with that, shin's phenomenal.
@edwardmeyers4466 5 жыл бұрын
@shinchan___4 5 жыл бұрын
@@duke9874 I mean both deserved but he should've won last time
@qwameliving7168 5 жыл бұрын
" I'll give you my number after the show !!!!"" 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Oh Gawwwddd😂😂😂
@AzlianaLyana 6 жыл бұрын
No!!!! it's too short! I WANT MORE!
@tttiffa 6 жыл бұрын
That's what she said
@pinkycloud5430 6 жыл бұрын
Throwback to season 12. The judges (Mel B specifically I believe) said it last year
@alexmroz4077 6 жыл бұрын
tiffany's mind lmao
@dhrubi 6 жыл бұрын
@@tttiffa get yourself outta the gutter
@kadyncemullins7484 6 жыл бұрын
Dhrubo how about you stop being mean
@bezs6104 6 жыл бұрын
I lovee his personality.. he's naturally funny!!
@guilhermesousa8447 4 жыл бұрын
5:22 "Wakanda Forever" Hits different now R.I.P Chadwick 🕊️💔
@amb688 6 жыл бұрын
He’s got some Eddy Murphy in him.
@nickdagostino9185 6 жыл бұрын
So true I never even thought of that...
@heavenparson4917 6 жыл бұрын
He does😂😂
@PinkPixie019 6 жыл бұрын
Well that must be awkward for Mel B...
@shojishinoda 6 жыл бұрын
@@PinkPixie019 , Mel has had some Eddie Murphy in her...
@fwhuop 6 жыл бұрын
U got the legendary 666 likes
@kaitlynparis6803 6 жыл бұрын
Netflix you better be watching I want a new show
@larryshyakagisa7361 5 жыл бұрын
@swagboii123ful 5 жыл бұрын
@gobanana1112 5 жыл бұрын
THIS comedian should've won. Not everyone can make us laugh.
@bartsimpson5363 5 жыл бұрын
cutey pai drfcc4hcjy edddeeerrrrrrrtttttyyyyyuuu7uuuu777654321
@syngkremalexis1017 5 жыл бұрын
but not everyone can sing opera with their mouth closed..
@TyroneCodner 4 жыл бұрын
@@syngkremalexis1017 It is recorded before hand
@HaroonKhan-wd2dz 4 жыл бұрын
Tyrone she won cuz she was a kid
@samirsadaf2145 4 жыл бұрын
@@syngkremalexis1017 remember light balance? that dance group with the neon lights that lost to darcy lynne? not everyone can form a dance group with perfectly choreographed and synchronize elaborate dance routines, program neon lights to all blink in a certain sequence, and then perform the dance routine in pitch black with pounds of equipment and lights on. so how come they were beat by a girl who sang with her mouth closed?
@gabrielaheredia5378 6 жыл бұрын
You are a combination of Eddie Murphy & Will Smith. You would be a great actor in a comedy genre movie. ❤️😂
@charlottejennifferdomingo4279 5 жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking! He should be on comedy movies or even romantic-comedy cuz dang he's fiiiinnnne lol
@hdhagsgahahg 5 жыл бұрын
And kevin hart too
@nickieb2636 6 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see his reaction when he finds out that Darcy's back on the show HAHA
@f.n30 6 жыл бұрын
@tutuuo 6 жыл бұрын
Lol Penn and Teller caught him It would be amazing... if Penn and Teller were to be there... and see if Darcy can try to fool them....
@michelledenise6934 6 жыл бұрын
Haha she better win again
@josenajasjr.1334 6 жыл бұрын
Thankfully she didn't make it
@Andii.pandaa 6 жыл бұрын
@shaneejoseph6074 4 жыл бұрын
"I love being black, so much, that I got a white girl so I can make her baby black!!! I was tryna take over!!!!"....I laughed so hard😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this guy need to be in movies
@SandeepaLoku 6 жыл бұрын
Wakanda forever 😂😂😂😂😂
@icedcoffeemondays 6 жыл бұрын
Sandeepa LB i was looking for this comment
@SandeepaLoku 6 жыл бұрын
@@icedcoffeemondays you found it buddy 💪
@TheRedGameboy 6 жыл бұрын
I was gasping for air, thot I heard it, and scrolled back to be sure, and slapped my knee like it got suspended from school.
@SandeepaLoku 6 жыл бұрын
@@TheRedGameboy oh my godd 😂😂
@loislovescheese4776 6 жыл бұрын
Sandeepa LB Lol
@cookiegirlanimations2106 5 жыл бұрын
“No i don’t have any kids. At all.” “Wait, No lemme get this correct” “Do you want me to have a son? Is that what your trying to do?” 😂😂😂
@dansu01 5 жыл бұрын
Geordie accent intensifies
@furrymonkeything 3 жыл бұрын
@@dansu01 😂😂😂
@glowreeya7 5 жыл бұрын
He said "I'm doing it for us" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆
@pastingangolo2842 4 жыл бұрын
This killed me
@thelmamadzimure 4 жыл бұрын
😂😂😂wakanda forever
@RyanBeard 6 жыл бұрын
This was almost as funny as the time Simon buzzed me on national television and I went home crying! Lol 🤪
@AuditionLyrics 6 жыл бұрын
@ERider10 6 жыл бұрын
Ryan Beard hey ur that guy
@Annie.Andell 6 жыл бұрын
omg hahahah
@jenikab95 6 жыл бұрын
@Duck-hy1yh 6 жыл бұрын
Omg I love you!😂
@robertotorre1914 6 жыл бұрын
Everytime the camera zooms on Heidi , I can see her last two neurons floating inside her skull trying to intercept the joke
@ReigningInTheKitchenWithRon 6 жыл бұрын
The irony of this meant "interpret" not "intercept" LMAO
@robertotorre1914 6 жыл бұрын
I meant what I wrote, she doesn t need to understand the joke, as she doesn t even know what s going on around her. ' Intercept the joke ', like she'd like to get why everyone is laughing
@4xdblack 6 жыл бұрын
She's not stupid. She's just German.
@nunadigasnunca 6 жыл бұрын
Why the hate?? What's the problem Einstein?? You wanted a model and you couldn't?? Or you just go in your life hating for free?? Don't care about Heidi but I don't understand why the insult, do you feel smarter after saying all that?? Is that it? Do you feel better about yourself by insulting people, specially women.... are you that kind of men?
@robertotorre1914 6 жыл бұрын
@@nunadigasnunca i would have written the same comment if she was a man, a transgender or any other gender , nice try. There s no hatin, just simple irony , you should pull back your feminist claws
@MomMadeChkn6264 5 жыл бұрын
He’s a cross between Kevin Hart and Eddie Murphy
@AceMondo 4 жыл бұрын
@rudolfdirks9253 4 жыл бұрын
Minus the cussing
@kidnamedfinguh 3 жыл бұрын
With a touch of Chris Tucker as well..
@b_hxyer-gamingchannel9810 6 жыл бұрын
Is it just me or does anyone think that Preacher Lawson should collab with Kevin Hart
@laceywilliams9112 6 жыл бұрын
He most def should
@skilarmoon2279 5 жыл бұрын
I would die 100 times
@liljay7229 5 жыл бұрын
At some points he sounds like him
@omartameem1262 5 жыл бұрын
Agreed they would make the best movies
@LemooZ 5 жыл бұрын
Kevin ain't funny. Preacher deserves better
@jeremyashton5040 6 жыл бұрын
I just can't have enough of Preacher Lawson's performances. I keep watching them over and over. I grew up on Eddie Murphy's Delirious (which I have watched over 100 times). Preacher is just so gosh darn funny. Yes, he is a little like Eddie; yet, he is his own person. I love how animated Preacher is with all of his yelling responses ("I am in the car!", "I knew it!", "I was going to make her babies black!", etc.). I would definitely go see him live. Preacher is So Talented. Howie's right: he IS the man.
@Apokalupsis88 6 жыл бұрын
Yup, xhes our favorite comedian right now (well, tied with Bill Burr). Wife and I saw him live at Helium Comedy Club in Portland a few months back. Got to meet him after and had our picture taken with him. He sold the place out, was even funnier live than he was on AGT, did tons of improve and audience interaction. The dude has "it." He needs to be a star.
@Tuesday46290 5 жыл бұрын
Nobody: Heidi: look at that booty Simon:*looks*
@meera5246 5 жыл бұрын
@normallemon7280 5 жыл бұрын
Isnt simon married or something?
@meera5246 5 жыл бұрын
@@normallemon7280 he is lol
@potatocorn9015 5 жыл бұрын
lushvful he isn’t he just has a baby with his gf
@graceb7563 5 жыл бұрын
@peyton530 6 жыл бұрын
That might’ve been the best stand up set I’ve seen in a LONG time.
@현기김-o9m 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah, Iglesias is my last lol. I wish he make some exclusives too.
@gillianzohnert2323 6 жыл бұрын
Yes, I'm glad they put Vikki against him, they are not even in the same league
@cordeliam 6 жыл бұрын
then you must be new to stand up
@michaelaxjoyce 6 жыл бұрын
I’ve never really thought comedians were funny but Preacher Lawson is a whole different story 😂
@v1KE4 6 жыл бұрын
Chaela X Joyce same😂
@karthikrox6310 5 жыл бұрын
You've never found any comedian funny until preacher?! That can't be true
@michaelaxjoyce 5 жыл бұрын
karthik rox it’s very much so true
@karthikrox6310 5 жыл бұрын
@@michaelaxjoyce hmm, you need to watch better comedians.
@rudolfdirks9253 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelaxjoyce search for gabriel iglesias. That guy is one of the best comedians ever. Imo even funnier than kevin hart and preacher.
@mookiepookie29 5 жыл бұрын
2:59 bruh that was perfectly timed and everything “do you want me to have a son?”
@kimberlymurrieta2751 6 жыл бұрын
This guy's freakin DANGEROUS to watch: I'm always laughing so hard I can't even breathe! Guy's always got me dying over here!
@treasure2behold282 5 жыл бұрын
His energy is infectious. Omg ! the makeup story was hilarious. I've never heard anyone talk about it.
@brandonortez3554 5 жыл бұрын
He needs his own Netflix special ASAP !!!
@wonder3761 6 жыл бұрын
Did anyone else realize same thing happened to Drew Lynch? Beat by a ventriloquist?
@cloroxbleach5159 6 жыл бұрын
@mollyt.9640 6 жыл бұрын
@sud5886 6 жыл бұрын
@dhrubi 6 жыл бұрын
Coincidence? I think not!
@zero1898 6 жыл бұрын
The best part is that they, just like Darcy, have virtually fell off after. We know Drew and Preacher better than the contestants that beat them
@Bradleylemp14 6 жыл бұрын
"it was like kissing a powdered doughnut when i got home and looked in the mirror i thought i was actually becoming and i was like AHHH SHE'S GOT IT ON ME" i died laughing at that part
@gunscotthdgaming69420 4 жыл бұрын
When he said "12-year old ventriloquism" *I FELT THAT*
@alizafar5038 5 жыл бұрын
Preacher and Daliso Chaponda r my 2 favorite comedians on got talent shows
@francescaadriana7124 5 жыл бұрын
YES, not a single dull moment and their delivery is amazing
@lukasbruzek1051 4 жыл бұрын
Somebody plllleeeeaasssseeeeeeeee put this guy in a movie.
@drummergirl4239 5 жыл бұрын
“Wakanda forever, thats my plan” had me D E D 😂😂😂😂
@magnificentjc2505 5 жыл бұрын
Its like Eddie Murphy and Kevin Hart had a kid😂😂
@tastywatermmm5722 5 жыл бұрын
Weird flex but okay 👌
@shinchan___4 5 жыл бұрын
Say fusion
@juancarloscorrea8134 4 жыл бұрын
Don't disrespect him like that lol
@mjwontstop 4 жыл бұрын
@xoieveck9505 6 жыл бұрын
I never laugh when comedians do the show but HE IS AMAZING. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH
@laceywilliams9112 6 жыл бұрын
Am I the only the one who got goosebumps when he said WAKANDA FOREVER!? I literally love that part❤️👌🔥I kept on rewinding it😂
@anuranjkannoth6858 6 жыл бұрын
@c.harris3411 6 жыл бұрын
Lol preacher is one of the only guys who can make that last joke without triggering me haha cuz I know it’s all good hearted love this guy
@StarMakerification 5 жыл бұрын
"I was tryin' to take over..!!!" hahahaa..
@nicoledepavia2571 6 жыл бұрын
“If I’m not broke we all ain’t broke” that was so beautiful!
@b_wrld 6 жыл бұрын
So happy to see Preacher again. 😭🙏🖤 I WAS TRYING TO TAKE OVER!!!! I WAS DOING IT FOR US!! WAKANDA FOREVA! 😭😭😭💪🙏
@andrewjames4346 6 жыл бұрын
He is racist...if that joke was flipped around about a white man trying to give a black woman a white baby to take over.............Germany for ever.....poop would hit the fan!
@b_wrld 6 жыл бұрын
Al James It’s a comedy skit though so you can’t say he’s racist for sure 🤷🏻‍♂️
@andrewjames4346 6 жыл бұрын
Yes I can because if I were to do the exact same Comedic skit as a white person about balcks then my head would roll faster than a fat kid down hill... If it's ok to make fun of white people as a black man then its perfectly ok to make fun of black people as a white....that's called equality .
@cassondrar.216 6 жыл бұрын
You for forgetting the difference between the two. The fact that the USA is steeped in white privileged is what will makes the context of the joke very different if told by a white comedian. But if the white comedian is talented and racial adverse he can definitely make a race joke without it being offensive.
@raimotoni5665 6 жыл бұрын
@@andrewjames4346 How exactly did he make fun of white people?
@stacyperrone-petta3326 Жыл бұрын
Funny, honest, amazing energy! Give him his own show ❤
@kirtipatel1365 6 жыл бұрын
The one and only comedian who can actually make me laugh. 👏👏👏
@bubblepop2221 5 жыл бұрын
“White women...have white makeup” *heidi nervously laughs and strokes hair*
@Melissa-ol7qr 4 жыл бұрын
Seal knows all about it 😂
@ሰላም-ጐ6ቨ 3 жыл бұрын
she was telling that to MelB right at the end
@seaofatl5549 3 жыл бұрын
the insecurities with celebs be worse than the average joe lol
@douggiefreshz7628 5 жыл бұрын
I love what he said “If I’m not broke we all ain’t broke”❤️
@nugzyss 6 жыл бұрын
"Some of y'all lookin' tasty tonight!" lost it hahaha.
@sarahgriffin3580 6 жыл бұрын
A Preacher Lawson and Kevin Hart Movie ?? Yes please
@kendoll3047 6 жыл бұрын
Girl please, no sorry next
@heavenparson4917 6 жыл бұрын
Sarah Griffin omg yess
@je.suis.prisci 6 жыл бұрын
Noppppeeee, he doesn't need Kevin 😭
@ickonbeauty 6 жыл бұрын
Sarah Griffin yeeeesssssssssss OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!
@gtomomma8886 2 жыл бұрын
This guy is so amazing.. attitude, personality, all-over good vibes & freaking hilarious to boot!
@lndseymsp 6 жыл бұрын
5:23 Omg he even said Wakanda Forever 🙅🏿 I love him so much 😂😂😂 I NEED MORE
@CherryRedBanshee 5 жыл бұрын
Someone needs to give him a Netflix special, a Comedy Central special, a tour, anything. We need more Preacher
@lukasandrew6907 5 жыл бұрын
Oh man Preacher Lawson is just too good. this guy is just too natural! I can't just stop laughing😅😅
@brandonhwang2303 6 жыл бұрын
Omg! It’s the freaking black panther
@jessicalynn2592 6 жыл бұрын
Hold up do you think this is chadwick boseman or are you just comparing them
@brandonhwang2303 6 жыл бұрын
just coparing
@RoSeKayyy 6 жыл бұрын
Random Nooo don’t lie, you actually thought it was him😂
@Sarabara113 6 жыл бұрын
Wakanda forever
@Tjtjboy 6 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie. He did not make me laugh before but this time he did. He definitely improved.
@sirasian41 6 жыл бұрын
Stepping up your race jokes really improves comedy.
@najafa3520 6 жыл бұрын
I HATED HIM and was SO SAD he got through, and hope he goes home soon! Too racist and hateful!
@sirasian41 6 жыл бұрын
Dude, how is he racist? I hope you realize I was joking with my statement. His jokes are funny and he is just making fun of himself for the different things he does as a black person.
@domhnall8340 6 жыл бұрын
@@najafa3520 Jesus Christ how much of a snowflake can you be lmao can nobody make a joke anymore??
@blanktrigger8863 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah. He improved his writing, timing, and delivery, AND he learned to incorporate his personality into his performance so that it doesn't seem unnecessarily wild like it did before.
@user-dx8jm3ih7b 4 жыл бұрын
Wishing him all the best, he is the funniest person ever. love him sooooo much. alle the best for him!!!
@Mohamed-jv6nv 6 жыл бұрын
Aww I want him to be my bestfriend
@baie5hehe 6 жыл бұрын
Friend zoned before it even happened, dang
@lizgara7876 6 жыл бұрын
@@baie5hehe 😂😂😂
@nennofullmoon 6 жыл бұрын
I kind of got a Will Smith and Kevin Hart vibe from this guy!! He’s really good!!
@sarahfuimaono834 4 жыл бұрын
This guy is the only person who has made me laugh out loud and get shouted at. LOL
@RealOSVMA 4 жыл бұрын
I can never get sick of this performance 😂😂😂😂😂😂 .
@KawiChris 6 жыл бұрын
Even the pre and post performance were hilarious!! Oh yeah yeah
@khadijaahmed9265 4 жыл бұрын
The way he like: “If I ain’t broke, we all ain’t broke!” That is just amazingly beautiful
@syrtech121 6 жыл бұрын
So happy he went through. I wish Samuel J Comroe would’ve gone through too. My dream final would have Preacher, Samuel, and Tape Face lol, honestly the 3 best people to come on the show in my opinion
@Coffeewrld 6 жыл бұрын
Syrtech love tape face
@screwcollege8474 6 жыл бұрын
wow u comment like everywhere man
@tsukeshinobu9911 6 жыл бұрын
“Avacada keenwa and salt and vinegar chips”😂😂😂😂😂😂☠️☠️☠️
@imanileday286 5 жыл бұрын
White girls have white makeup .I thought I was turning white....I was like she got it on me" 😂 . he needs his own stand-up specials
@mclovin9151 5 жыл бұрын
what if a white guy said he was scared a black girl got her black on you people not realize what your laughing at
@vivian4399 5 жыл бұрын
My Name Is David Hogg & I Approve This Message shut up we’re capable of taking jokes too
@AudioAudacity 4 жыл бұрын
My Name Is David Hogg & I Approve This Message I can tell you use Twitter a lot
@rudolfdirks9253 4 жыл бұрын
@@mclovin9151 well if a white comedian that does a lot of jokes of this kind, it will be acceptet. It's not line there arent comedians like that.
@mclovin9151 4 жыл бұрын
@@AudioAudacity no
@miwi5082 5 жыл бұрын
I love Vicki's response at 3:20, nice to see someone who isn't so concerned about themselves for a change.
@marctang3802 6 жыл бұрын
0:36 I DIED HAHAHA Preacher’s comedic timing is amazing!
@Xdivus1 6 жыл бұрын
12 year old ventriloquist 😂
@rameezsafdar6563 4 жыл бұрын
"If i'm not broke, we all ain't broke" Such a beautiful soul
@nadiramarbre1792 6 жыл бұрын
@mkei1989 6 жыл бұрын
@dccwurdless714 4 жыл бұрын
when everyone shouted and applauded i felt that....Preacher must have been so happy!
@aliqbal4136 5 жыл бұрын
"It's just for my booty to pop,BAM..!! U see that..!? Holy cow, he's really a natural funny guy.. 🤣
@ronaldjakewatsons9252 5 жыл бұрын
This is black panther's brother make him a role in blackpanther 2 MARVEL FANS LIKE IF AGREE
@jamespallo4400 5 жыл бұрын
He's black, in shape, natural state presence, can move n dance. He can be the funny brother to the black panther.
@kylemichaelvalenzuela8076 5 жыл бұрын
James Pallo he gonna be pink panther
@yondupoppins268 5 жыл бұрын
I want a scene with him and M’baku
@princezuko9204 5 жыл бұрын
we neeeedddd thissssss
@carlosjauregui7951 4 жыл бұрын
@TWICESana 5 жыл бұрын
Wow that was AMAZING performance, he is genius, ive watching a million video about stand up, and this is the best of all..
@maggieobersat3861 6 жыл бұрын
YEAH PREACHER! Tape Face, Grace VanderWaal, Darci Lynne, That one dancing group who was second with The card game guy- I'm excited about them!!!
@nimasamiya738 6 жыл бұрын
Maggie Obersat the card game guy has a name
@maggieobersat3861 6 жыл бұрын
@@nimasamiya738 LOL - yeah, I know! I just didn't want to put the wrong name in! Shin Lim?
@vytimes2 6 жыл бұрын
Grace VanderWaal isn’t coming and I don’t know why
@maggieobersat3861 6 жыл бұрын
@@vytimes2 AWWW! Thats so sad! I love her so much! :(
@torrba 6 жыл бұрын
People who have won aren’t coming it’s only finalists
@bornfree7506 6 жыл бұрын
You sir, are a great comedian. All the best to you.
@slickrickzz3740 5 жыл бұрын
this dude is the funniest person i've seen on this show
@gongon58 6 жыл бұрын
You can hear the cameraman laugh in the background at 0:45 lmao
@SandiByrd 5 жыл бұрын
Why is he not on TV?! This guy needs his own show. He's amazing.
@khadijaahmed9265 4 жыл бұрын
HE SHOULD HAVE WONNN. He is too amazing! 💕 He is my fa be person on ALL Got Talent!!!!
@ChrisKsan 5 жыл бұрын
This man needs a Netflix special, a show, movies and with his energy and style, a colab with Kevin Hart would be perfect!
@MyPeopleNeedMe 6 жыл бұрын
Who cant wait for Tape Face?
@firstwefuck19 6 жыл бұрын
U got 1st comment and u didnt say 1st... FINALLY
@JosueDeerFox 6 жыл бұрын
Is every video I go gonna have this comment. I mean I can't wait for Tape face but DAMN what is this tik tok ads?
@amandatun8368 6 жыл бұрын
Hate him
@loveistheanswer5495 6 жыл бұрын
@@amandatun8368 I agree
@MyPeopleNeedMe 6 жыл бұрын
@@JosueDeerFox ew tik tok
@Deltidsautist 4 жыл бұрын
The fact that he just said "Wakanda forever" made me tear up.. Rest in peace Chadwick!
@amok3366 6 жыл бұрын
Only negative $14.87?? If only you knew sir. If only you knew 😭😭😭😭
@stephenolan5539 6 жыл бұрын
You have to have a good income to really get deep in debt.
@JosueDeerFox 6 жыл бұрын
I know someone who is named America and they're trillions of dollars in debt.
@jesuslovesyouall3643 6 жыл бұрын
@@JosueDeerFox no u did not😂😂
@okradiowise 6 жыл бұрын
@najeeedmonds9032 6 жыл бұрын
@@JosueDeerFox LMAOOOOOO
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