They NEVER saw it coming! 😲 Surprising auditions that SHOCKED the judges | AGT 2022

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America's Got Talent

America's Got Talent

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@AGT 2 жыл бұрын
Which performance surprised you the most? 🤩
@rhashuwo5492 2 жыл бұрын
@FrankieFootball014 2 жыл бұрын
1 it got my goosebumps
@mariadelrociogonzalezleal7937 2 жыл бұрын
That hansdome young man Sam...i didn't get, Singing with his heart and soul... What a beautiful voice!! ... it's like a mixture of Bruce Pringsteen and Michael Boldon...80's 90's...fufff, amazing and beautiful, this is his moment, he's gonna be a great singer!! Blessings 🙏🏼🌟💐👏😃
@loriabendroth4216 2 жыл бұрын
Sam all the way. His humility was great, too.😊
@Betterwithrose 2 жыл бұрын
@orafisayodolapo7749 2 жыл бұрын
I think the first guy deserved a golden buzzer.
@loriabendroth4216 2 жыл бұрын
@juanitamorgan5475 2 жыл бұрын
I heard him sing and the second that he had hoping his mouth he sounded so much like Michael Bolton he's wow
@nishantbhardwaj2773 2 жыл бұрын
They just gave it to unhealthy people if he was having a cancer or he has lost someone in his life then surely they have given him Golden buzzer 😂
@anasbaban 2 жыл бұрын
If he go to X-factor/American Idol/the Voice he would make it very far. AGT is tough for a singing act.
@chameleonvoice 2 жыл бұрын
That first guy. Instant tears.
@MsDmacD 2 жыл бұрын
Sam comes across so nervous and shy but my god when he opens his mouth and sings it's like his talent is out of this world. He has one of those voices u hear and instantly know who it is.
@juanitamorgan5475 2 жыл бұрын
There's a woman that had been on the show she's Canadian and sounds exactly like Celine Dion and Sam sounds like Michael Bolton
@bettylew2231 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, to everything you said. Sam has an amazing voice . 😊❤🙏✌
@Gregory-pi3oc 2 жыл бұрын
My man Sam didn't even perform after this I Wonder what happened
@askaks1454 2 жыл бұрын
@@juanitamorgan5475 I thought about Rod Stewart when he was singing... But yeah, amazing!
@johnnyhernandez7561 2 жыл бұрын
@@Gregory-pi3oc he won the lottery maybe
@ganeshjagtap2656 2 жыл бұрын
Sophia’s reaction when Sam starting singing. Her mouth was literally open. What a talented man. Actually all three are incredible.
@sweetsis73 Жыл бұрын
Since this is an age appropriate page....I'll just say look at her face....she married but not dead 😂😂😂
@lorrimccollum5143 6 ай бұрын
He's excellent ❤
@kolbykondratowicz528 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy gave me chills he was so good! I would’ve hit the gold buzzer
@parkerrjavan 10 ай бұрын
@trentnay1381 2 жыл бұрын
The lil 11 year old girl @ the end singing AMAZING GRACE is AWESOME!!!! GOD BLESS YOU lil ANGEL!
@Hugomad2 5 ай бұрын
I don’t think she ended on the stage by coincidence! That was arranged
@diandiaz9026 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy I love you can see the emotion and everything and his expressions when he sings and his mannerism you can tell he’s totally feeling it
@mhba4866 2 жыл бұрын
He's definitely gone thru' that pain.
@brendashreves7192 2 жыл бұрын
@Joe Jones I suspect he has some kind of disorder like MS, Parkinsons, some nerve disorders do that. So just be nice !
@greeksurferdude 2 жыл бұрын
everyone in the audience is mesmerized
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@fanhaniainahermawan4206 2 жыл бұрын
what is his name ?
@alannasutherland2426 2 жыл бұрын
Sam Cieri! Wow! Literally, the first word out of his mouth grabbed my heart. God bless you, Sam! May you go further than you ever dreamed!
@shonegameplay8338 2 жыл бұрын
did he make it?
@amybaskall3472 2 жыл бұрын
Gave me chills. I don't get them often but he did it for me. Hot.,.he is fire !
@amybaskall3472 2 жыл бұрын
No he quit, due to AGT trying to change the Nicotine Dolls to just him, vs him and his band mates. But they are now out in the public light so cross fingers. Maybe a recording firm will pick them up.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@positivenegativeten 2 жыл бұрын
After i saw his performance here, i started listening to his songs on spotify
@JOHNNIEBEBAD 2 жыл бұрын
I don’t understand why none of the judges did not hit that golden buzzer..That was so good and extremely unique.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@mtvclipz4778 2 жыл бұрын
They only have a limited amount to use they can’t just press it on every contestant that sounds good
@sternreport 2 жыл бұрын
Well actually all the judges did not hit the golden buzzer.
@stanalow Жыл бұрын
They probably knew he was so good that he would get through anyway
@karent7166 Жыл бұрын
They get so spell bound that they forget about the buzzer
@mayamikopiringu1001 2 жыл бұрын
This guy deserved a golden buzzer🙌🙌I hope he goes far...he has a golden voice
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@hanadijn8083 2 жыл бұрын
I could listen to him forever... Oh my God his voice is pure magic
@mhba4866 2 жыл бұрын
Me too.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@busisiwemasemola8390 9 ай бұрын
Right now I have replayed his part about 6 times, I can't get enough of his voice, and every time it's oh my word reaction like clock wise. Wow!
@henryparsnip 2 жыл бұрын
The final singer brought me to tears, she was so nervous. We have some amazing people on this planet.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@henryparsnip 2 жыл бұрын
@@khurrambawany709 Id say more like Billions. 99% of the wealth is owned by less than 1% of the population on this planet. But that doesn't take away from the fact that through the poverty and hardship we still have amazing people.
@henryparsnip 2 жыл бұрын
@@khurrambawany709 God bless. The reason we are in this mess is due to being mothered by Government and loosing the ability and knowledge to fend for our selves. Give man food and it will never end. Give man the tools and he will prosper.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Very true mate
@Coffee_For 10 ай бұрын
@@henryparsnipshe was a actress so technically cheating
@khimvlogtv5894 2 жыл бұрын
this guys has a unique voice, he delivery song nicely and sing it from the heart,,,
@ekwejohnson6965 2 жыл бұрын
Poor delivery rather
@khimvlogtv5894 2 жыл бұрын
@@ekwejohnson6965 ahhaha man i can't stop laughing of you man, if you love music,, you can realized his melody and his voice
@dassiemymusic3707 2 жыл бұрын
The 1st man and last little girl both deserved golden buzzers. They were amazingly good♥️
@Monstruo_123 2 жыл бұрын
last girl did get golden buzzer
@nipplehead8331 2 жыл бұрын
You do know that it was all a set up with her. She sings professionally and AGT invited her to compete and they chose tomdo it this way. This is not how the show is suppose to go.
@evanthompson5506 2 жыл бұрын
@@nipplehead8331 no it wasn't stop being ignorant
@nipplehead8331 2 жыл бұрын
@@evanthompson5506 she is a actress and singer in Hollywood. She stard in a movie in 2020 where she sang songs in English and Spanish. She is on a show on showtime. She signs at sporting events across the country. Prior to this, she was on 2 other competitions. The prior season of AGT she was invited on the show but couldn't make it. This was staged. You stop being ignorant.
@girlywench Жыл бұрын
I just hate it when people butcher songs just to show off. I know the song and still understood less than half the words because she was so busy warbling and trilling that she wasn't actually singing. Shame.
@piplup10203854 2 жыл бұрын
Woah 😮that first guy has an incredible voice! I agree with the comments to give him the golden buzzer yeah that’s impressive.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@David-R. 2 жыл бұрын
12:15 I love Sophia for saying what she said, trying to give the girl comfort by telling her that she looked like she was ready to everyone in order to boost her confidence and give her emotional and psychological support. 13:47 I LOVE that woman. So much empathy. This is true beauty in my opinion.
@salimgeza6564 2 жыл бұрын
*Hey friend I got my relationship fixed back with the help of a man who brought my partner back in 48 hours after many years of seperation.♥️♥️***
@animaanimus8011 2 жыл бұрын
It’s scripted. How do you not see/know that?
@David-R. 2 жыл бұрын
@@animaanimus8011 I'm not being sarcastic here. If you could clearly see that it was, and I couldn't, then I wish I had your intelligence. I believed what I saw and if I was fooled, I'd be embarrassed of myself!! :)
@erlidanacario8890 2 жыл бұрын
Sophia has the mentality of an immigrant who will influence the change needed to make the racists in america educated by being educated to accomodate people who will make america great rather than treat these people like trash.
@DrJUSTICE813 2 жыл бұрын
@@erlidanacario8890 Sofia
@alecharmson8961 2 жыл бұрын
Celia is a an absolute one woman show! Great fun and stunning vocal talent.
@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 2 жыл бұрын
Which one is Celia? Edit: Oh, you mean the ventriloquist? I was wondering what it was about. It's was like 90% of the way through her act when I realised it was ventriloquism! {:o:O:}
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@Axiomnova-vt3hp Жыл бұрын
The first guy was sensational, Madison's singing gave me the feeling of my soul being uplifted. Incredible
@jenni1948 2 жыл бұрын
I actually started crying for the little girl who ended up getting an audition during that break, I’m so happy for her :)
@Birb-G 2 жыл бұрын
She already got the show before they just told her to sit in the audience and then sing the song she’ll sing I saw a video
@TheJubess 2 жыл бұрын
people are so gullible. those two blake women where actors and everyone of the team knew about the surprise audition. these things don't just happen
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@NormanReaddis 2 жыл бұрын
Talent competitions are either rigged or stage. It's been expose for years now. I love it for the genuine reactions of the audiences but the show is stage as hell.
@drlalchamlianadrchama7558 Жыл бұрын
@marykariotakis36 2 жыл бұрын
First young man has absolutely amazing voice!!! God Bless his talent always! ❤
@sjkaJKAHDKBJASerror 2 жыл бұрын
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@cjgatmaitan5924 2 жыл бұрын
Sam and his band can win numerous awards in Music... Let's support him
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@LoveYourself-1970 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy made my jaw drop, he has a strong voice, smart, funny, America's next Idol🥰
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@gaylaaucoin9667 Жыл бұрын
The gypsy medium she can really sing and act.very funny 😂Wow what a performance golden star for her⭐️❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@leighlofgren 2 жыл бұрын
loved the first fella - utterly gorgeous and he's got it all.
@waynechristopher6214 2 жыл бұрын
@The.Pinnacle89 2 жыл бұрын
I never heard a voice like this before Sam killed it
@annatimcenko834 Жыл бұрын
The first guy is a superstar, he easily can become a world known star. His voice is very unique, also the looks! He is amazing
@zhamasworld3084 2 жыл бұрын
Sam's voice is phenomenal!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@juanitamorgan5475 2 жыл бұрын
Get over how much he sounds like Michael Bolton geez!
@chainedhope 2 жыл бұрын
I am so taken with Sam! Oh my, his voice, his looks, his mannerism and respect. What a voice!
@BeatboxAllstars 2 жыл бұрын
That Girl's Voice is a winner.
@booklover4731 2 жыл бұрын
Woahhhh. He's got that sound that just digs into the soul. Like Lewis Capaldi. Amazing.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@pierre7191 2 жыл бұрын
the first guy gave me goosebumps 🔥
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@josephcortes9045 Жыл бұрын
This guy's voice made me cry. Felt the song so much . Amazing
@ralphlopez2677 2 жыл бұрын
The last young lady that performed sang so well I felt it so deeply all I could do was cry
@Mtkrvi06 2 жыл бұрын
Oh god that first guys voice. Rare tone. Chills. A song is made better when it has emotion in it and draws emotion from u. That guy could sing row row row your boat and someone would cry lol.
@ednaatluxton4918 2 жыл бұрын
I seen the little girl before. I want to see more because she's just screaming amazing grace. 1st guy has the best classic rock voice I've heard in decades
@ednaatluxton4918 2 жыл бұрын
@blackbriarwolf hate pop. Love rock
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@cathyvelliquette3799 2 жыл бұрын
Sam...I literally got goosebumps!!! Your voice is undeniably amazing!! WOW..JUST WOW!!!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@sosneye 2 жыл бұрын
Would download this guys album in 1 second
@ingemewis2043 4 ай бұрын
I especially loved Celia Munoz. What a darling little lady !!! She is so cute, so beautiful and immensely talented. She has it all. May God bless her and look after her always..❣️
@CM-yd4ze 2 жыл бұрын
I've never heard my youngest singing since she was probably a toddler but my she reminds me so much of my daughter, her demeanor, her emotion, up to the way she dresses and looks. It makes me love her so much. I bet you her dad is super proud of her.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@saidamissarou3568 2 жыл бұрын
High five from Morocco to this wonderful voice. This guy really shocked the audience the moment he started the thing he excels at, singing...
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@hannahp.fletcher9969 2 жыл бұрын
You can tell the amazing singers who love their craft as when they sing or play, they have something funky going on with their facial expressions, or legs, or hands or stage presence and its so refreshing!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@allankrzeminski 2 жыл бұрын
They're brilliant and the emotions they put through this arts are incredible... I hope you're doing great
@MahaDevCOD 2 жыл бұрын
May the first guy create a new world 😉
@carpentrydesigndovetail4219 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy !! Damn! Best voice I’ve heard in years
@AnsenHelm 2 жыл бұрын
Nicotine Dolls had me going ham. But Maddie Baez. Omg... She's the epitome of a Holy Cow jaw dropping situation. 😳
@kevinblack9503 2 жыл бұрын
Knowing Maddie, she has the most brightest of futures ahead of her, I'm telling you
@kevinblack9503 2 жыл бұрын
@@salimgeza6564 don't you have heard that powerful voice from an 11 year old?
@PhoenixPlays2 2 жыл бұрын
Holy cow we indians mean it
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@andreawithgod 2 жыл бұрын
Nothing but God given talent from that little girl.
@jameslucaswilliam 2 жыл бұрын
I know right? I had sweaty eyes while listening to her. Her voice is simply amazing and even tho she was sitting in the audience, she was still spotted lol how're you doing?
@d1rtyr3d18 2 жыл бұрын
New title of this video: little girl gets three standing ovations. She is amazing 👏
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@angelaaldas5591 2 жыл бұрын
This is what a woman’s heart really desires. The first singer was great with a very attractive voice. +1 yes from here.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@aikcreationsmultimedia1489 2 жыл бұрын
Nicotine Dolls is an Idol and the song is just too short. Bravo!
@billgalyean9140 2 жыл бұрын
Right before Madison started to sing it’s obvious she looks over at her dad and he gives her the thumbs up and blows her a kiss. That’s so awesome how she was able to be like “ok I got Support from dad. Lots rock “ lol. Great singing
@kenton2473 2 жыл бұрын
First guy definitely deserved the golden buzzer.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@Mixtra 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy sounds like a younger Michael Bolton. What a voice!
@ann-mariemedina4858 2 жыл бұрын
i totally agree. I thought the same thing. I LOVE his unique voice. Great.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@juanitamorgan5475 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly
@allankrzeminski 2 жыл бұрын
They're brilliant and the emotions they put through this arts are incredible... I hope you're doing great
@Scotlandforme 2 жыл бұрын
Wow that young girl was incredible. What a voice.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@allankrzeminski 2 жыл бұрын
They're brilliant and the emotions they put through this arts are incredible... I hope you're doing great
@ReinoDaMelie 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy, deserved the Golden Buzzer. Adorable 🥰
@discipleshipwithdavid2648 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing grace. How sweet the sound? That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I’m found. Was blind but now I see!! ❤
@donnamorgan5656 2 жыл бұрын
He's like Robert Downey Jr and Joey from friends..... Such a likable cutey pie with talent!!!!
@Dipsetstick07 2 жыл бұрын
More Joey than Downey definitely
@joegeorge3977 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, wonderful performance
@micd2314 2 жыл бұрын
Sam slayed it!!! Omgosh... he's such an amazing artist!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@evelynfinney9425 Жыл бұрын
First guy was really good. The little girl was amazing. She gave me chills when she saying it move me that much she’s the one that deserves a golden buzzer.
@samharrison3942 2 жыл бұрын
Christ! That was moving, chilling and seriously one of the best voices I EVER heard. Sam you were incredible and come over so wonderful. Your family must be so very proud. Well done and Thank You for sharing
@DBzGokuultra 2 жыл бұрын
First guy is pure gold so down to earth and has an amazing voice ...
@MaliaMalice 2 жыл бұрын
First act..... Still my favorite act ever. That voice is beautiful
@swagganificient 2 жыл бұрын
Dt lil girl's pipes are somtin else she can singggg🔥🔥🔥💫💫 and the first guy i got chills & goosebumps
@lindapetro5594 Жыл бұрын
He’s got it all: Talent, passion, a humility yet bravery. 👏👍❤️
@jonnichols4522 2 жыл бұрын
That second act had amazing ventriloquism skills. The range, vocalization, and being able to do it while eating? Bravo. 👏
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@ashleydavis9215 2 жыл бұрын
@kannasashi9117 2 жыл бұрын
The opera singer is a theatrical genius with great voice
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@kannasashi9117 2 жыл бұрын
@@khurrambawany709 what's your point?
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
A'm raising funds to support people in need. Let's join hands if you may. I have left my Payeer account details if may wana donate. I'ts just hard for me to see them on streets.
@kannasashi9117 2 жыл бұрын
You could be a scammer
@leishaA2 2 жыл бұрын
First guy has an amazing voice!!😲
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@shubhuful 2 жыл бұрын
Loved Celia Munoz.... What an Act! Casta Diva by Norma and then ending with Queen of Night! ❤❤❤❤
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@tammyjohnson8161 2 жыл бұрын
I love a soulful raspy voice. He was incredible!!
@jameslucaswilliam 2 жыл бұрын
You got that right. I had to replay his audition as I was in awe by his wonderful voice Such gifts are meant to be heard, seen so that all the Glory will be unto God. How're you doing?
@cipero9246 2 жыл бұрын
0:30 Love this fella is so Humble despite him knowing he has such an amazing voice.
@piper7485 2 жыл бұрын
First singer is more of a Michael Bolton/Rod Stewart mix. Absolutely Fantastic and Amazing 👏
@badgerbadgerton966 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah... if you don't hate it.
@loriabendroth4216 2 жыл бұрын
Rod Stewart and Michael Bolton were exactly what I was thinking, too!
@patriciawilder5286 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly 💯 🌝
@maricarmenlopo1183 2 жыл бұрын
@ann-mariemedina4858 2 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you
@gerardroll6468 2 жыл бұрын
Sometimes, even some contestants who don’t win the show or make it to the final on AGT are the ones who leave the longest lasting impressions . These are living proof 🫵😎👍
@ptsplzfriendme1210 2 жыл бұрын
@gerardroll6468 2 жыл бұрын
@@ptsplzfriendme1210 … We see it happen every year when 1 or even a few acts REALLY stand out for a number of reasons which helps make them unforgettable, even if they don’t make it past week 1 of the live shows. Simon says to the acts “the next couple of minutes could change your life”…. It also changes our lives as well. You don’t have to necessarily get a golden buzzer or win the show to make an impact & I have several favourites who did just that.
@FrankieFootball014 2 жыл бұрын
@@gerardroll6468 example Sarah!!!
@gerardroll6468 2 жыл бұрын
@@FrankieFootball014 … For me, several standouts have been Glennis Grace, The Sacred Riana, Sarah & Hero & of course, my favourite of all… Angelica Hale. I don’t like the sob stories we’re subjected to but damn… When a contestant makes one hell of an impression on you, it often makes you forget all about the sob story 🫵😁👍
@Swaneeinthenorthwoods 2 жыл бұрын
It’s always like this comment. I have no idea who has ever actually won one of these shows.
@cyrilrembameame4374 2 жыл бұрын
Wow... this guys voice is so Amazing...!!
@LinBeReal 2 жыл бұрын
Madison is amazing wow I have so much empathy for her and admiration
@knoasivan2596 2 жыл бұрын
Wow. That little girl can sing! Brought me to tears😢❤❤
@GrayMarshal 2 жыл бұрын
The last girl was a mission accomplished moment
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@denzel3265 2 жыл бұрын
the 1st dude has such a unique voice...Niceeee!!!
@bettylew2231 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy "Sam" & Maddie !!!! I loved the Spanish lady too !! But my favorite was the first guy. SAM. He was very polite , great smile & looks but when he opened his mouth I was amazed how great his voices sounded. It was like listening to a singer on the radio ,or CD .I mean he sounded that Good!!! I'm gonna search him on You Tube see if he has more songs I can listen too!!! 😊❤🙏✌
@benp3485 2 жыл бұрын
1st performer made me cry. Amazing Voice OMG 👏🙌
@danielpeti3885 2 жыл бұрын
First act was unreal. His voice was just so powerful.
@chrisinvest2015 2 жыл бұрын
Damn that voice is out of this world!!!
@jodiecook2925 2 жыл бұрын
Sam.. Your voice is incredible. Good job!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@CyraGetsFit 2 жыл бұрын
Nicotine Dolls was amazing!! I could listen to his voice always!!
@jameslucaswilliam 2 жыл бұрын
I know right? I just started watching the video and U had to restart it over and over again lol his voice gives me goosebumps lol how're you doing ?
@CyraGetsFit 2 жыл бұрын
@@jameslucaswilliam I'm great!! Thanks for asking. How are you?
@jameslucaswilliam 2 жыл бұрын
@@CyraGetsFit I'm glad you're doing great and it's nice to hear from you. Compliments of the season! I'm doing good too, thanks for asking. So tell me, what's your talent? I was a break dancer when I was in high school. Honestly, I was really good at it lol but I had to quit as life goes on, work, work, work lol
@kevinthompson4956 2 жыл бұрын
Sam and Maddie blew my mind. Maddie is a true power house and Sam has a Golden voice. I hope they do extremely well in their careers.
@Pandemic-lm8fz 2 жыл бұрын
The kid just nailed it..she is a natural singer
@jacekrapacz3477 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus.... Sam all the best to you. If every singer had this talent. Singing was no point... Such an emotional thing. I had a goosebumps listening to your spectacle. You're amazing!
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@louannelawson4916 2 жыл бұрын
# 1....He's A Real Star 🌟🌟🌟 Definitely deserved The Gold Buzzer, along with 11 yr old Madison singing Amazing Grace. ❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for sharing.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@taylormahkuk4566 8 ай бұрын
The First Performance Deserved A Golden Buzzer…
@kellymallady5278 2 жыл бұрын
Sam, you have a wonderful voice! Keep singing. When God gives you a talent and it's a deep passion; your health and blessings are right there with you.
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@rebeccacox1196 2 жыл бұрын
He definitely deserved that damn gold buzzer Wassup with that
@soleiltounsi6754 2 жыл бұрын
The first guy is the best. 👏 He make his music by himself and what a voice!
@saltedsora 2 жыл бұрын
The first one was really incredible. 💛😭
@fourtwenty909 2 жыл бұрын
1st guy should of got the golden buzzer absolutely Amazing
@porche796 2 жыл бұрын
I am in love with the 1st guy, his voice is amazing ❗❗❗❤❤❤❤
@adriannegrant766 Жыл бұрын
Simon was not expecting that and I love it when his pre conception are proved wrong. Go Sam, absolutely love your voice
@zoiezhang4841 2 жыл бұрын
His voice touched my hearts. Love it…
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@susanvasquez5265 2 жыл бұрын
The one who performed first had a beautiful voice.
@stiki108 2 жыл бұрын
The girl's audition was the REAL audition... No music, no false voices, just pure talent. So passionate, so good
@FUBAR1986 2 жыл бұрын
And also the way she took direction from Simon. If that doesn’t prove a stage presence and understanding of the business, this young lady has so many advantages over others, who might get into this line of work.
@stiki108 2 жыл бұрын
@@susanbarker2525 For sure. But still hit with huge impact
@stiki108 2 жыл бұрын
@topher316 okay I didn't know that. Of course it was staged but still entertaining
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@jennysavage8456 Жыл бұрын
She was planted there... no question shes VERY talented... but she said she was planned in the audience
@Orionnomad 2 жыл бұрын
Very impressed with Sam he can get very far and I hope he does because I want to hear more of him . Mattie is very sweet and for 11 her control is compels you to want to here what else she can do .
@khurrambawany709 2 жыл бұрын
Did you know, there are hundreds and thousands and more and more people facing poverty and homelessness every single day! Can you imagine, How hard it is to survive without place to live ? Or facing days without any food! Can you imagine, if you have to wait for days maybe weeks, just to wash yourself ! Just to get cleaned up ! Can you imagine, if you have to wait , in a long queue ! To get some grocery or free food ? To be able to provide your family ! Can you picture the pain, Imagine, you been hungry for days and someone comes up, with some food and something to drink and wants to offer some money too ! what would be your feeling? Now imagine, the person puts a camera right on your face! Nothing will change unless we change ! Difference is not made by words, but surely by actions. I have taken this opportunity, to be the supporting hand for them. For anyone in need, for sure, I have to be in the position to make that happen. I know, I can't reach out to everyone. But, I can do as much as I can. 1 By providing them homemade food. 2 By providing them day to day usage items, such as: 3 Tent or spot to sleep. 4 Items to keep warm and safe, by which I mean warm cloths and first aid kit etc.. 5 Help them in any way I can. I understand it's not enough, but surely better then nothing. I am now raising funds, to help more people in need. I need helping hands, to support people in need. This is my Payeer details: P1033029236. Feel free to make a donation, if you may. Thankyou so much for reading, it means a lot to me. Stay safe and Blessed , may God Bless us all .
@Harry-o6g Жыл бұрын
Nicotine doll guy for sure ❤ Actually made me cry with happiness !! What a gift paired with his humble approach 👏 👏 👏 ❤
@Angelathibert1 Жыл бұрын
Omg throws up the thumbs up before and after hahaha so precious!
UNFORGETTABLE Auditions That BROKE The Internet In 2024! (Tiktok VIRAL!)
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OMG! You'll Never Believe These Talents! - America's Got Talent 2018
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While the baby is sleeping 🥴😵‍💫 LeoNata family #shorts
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