Something tells me she could have made millions, and not a single dollar would have mattered all that much to her. I feel she accomplished her life's goal, as short as that life may have been. I'm not religious, but angels do walk amongst us daily and we are blessed to feel their impact.
@limeric28342 жыл бұрын
Wow.. Amanda you never know how much you made an impact on others lives around the world...deepest respect respect and love from Malaysia .
@brianmcfarland8002 Жыл бұрын
How can not love her!! What a beautiful person!!! ❤
@lyndalabriola8287 Жыл бұрын
@kcbalasubramanyam4 ай бұрын
Mrs. Amanda is performing with incredible talent. She is calm, confident and positive in her role of Music. May God Bless Her . She needs encouragement.
@askouille2 жыл бұрын
Chapel hart just made me so happy, couldn't stop smiling the whole song. Brilliant
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@timphairong1752 жыл бұрын
As a person who stutter I could feel the lyrics. That is the moment when we accept ourselves, realised that is all we need. Nature is beautiful just the way it is.
@tumekemuch2 жыл бұрын
She deserves a medal for the courage she showed plus dang she's an amazing singer, the ladies are supreme, and the guy is a New Jersey idol dang
@bootszarawalken99872 жыл бұрын
I love the AGT audience. They so so so want people to do well and they're on the edge of their seats with delight when they do.
@amazingauditions Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more!! The best audience 😍😍
@StevenKennedy-on7vh8 ай бұрын
@davidwright873Ай бұрын
2:01 the lips...IF lips could launch a thousand ships!!
@Pachochay8045 Жыл бұрын
It give me a shivers just listening to her beautiful voice ! Blessed and take care ! Just standing there in fronts of this people is already hard !
@mathapelomoagi26932 жыл бұрын
3rd Artist, so authentic, innocent, raw talent. I pray you succeed with your talent/ career💕
@carolsmart238 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful girl with a beautiful voice & so talented to play & sing her own song! Great role model for anyone trying to overcome problems🙏🏼💕
@gailweatherall1215 Жыл бұрын
what a joy - beautiful woman and a great voice...imagine getting over this obstacle and be able to sing like this - hats off.
@richardplume32123 ай бұрын
Agree the beautifull youg lady got up stood up massive respect
@Ch-ui6mw Жыл бұрын
Oh, my gosh! Chapel Hart!!! YES!!! I'm going to search and buy every thing they've ever recorded!
@danieltimothy58962 жыл бұрын
I stutter too more than Amanda. I dealt with mine through constant practice and engaging with people. I thank God because of the positive people that God surrounds me with. They're all loving and doesn't criticise me negatively. I built my confidence and right now, I speak eloquently without stuttering. A big thanks to my current organisation for the positive support and love.
@alvaroq20242 жыл бұрын
Negative criticism is just as powerful as positive criticism. If you never get the negative, then this means you’re perfect, and no one is.
@emilysleeman17232 жыл бұрын
Can girls 12 year old go on the show please
@paulineatiat402 жыл бұрын
@@emilysleeman1723 yeah
@nestorlawas52632 жыл бұрын
@jds508172 жыл бұрын
Great Daniel !
@robertaustin77572 жыл бұрын
I used to studder also. She doing awesome speaking in front of that many people. I couldn't have done that . Kudos to her!
@larrykelsey6901 Жыл бұрын
My Uncle stuttered yet he sang in a Country & Western Band for several years. When he sang he never stuttered .
@robertaustin7757 Жыл бұрын
@Larry Kelsey I think it was Mel tillis was the same way .
@larrykelsey6901 Жыл бұрын
Mmmmmm Mel 🥴
@robertaustin7757 Жыл бұрын
@@larrykelsey6901 ok ! Now that's funny
@walterarredondo7747 Жыл бұрын
U 5:13
@lucmarien7955 Жыл бұрын
AMANDA - GOLDEN BUZZER !!! ❤❤❤😊😊😊 Thank you for you’re courage and hope for a good life !!! The crowd and jury had much respect for you, thank you people !!! L.M.
@marianne71802 жыл бұрын
Amanda had me sobbing as soon as she started singing. So beautiful 😢
@JustTheFacts362 жыл бұрын
Same here. It’s great she found her voice through music ❤️
@thecooler1702 жыл бұрын
It fake. Now a days everyone can take advantage for clout
@Stevenclark10582 жыл бұрын
Same here, she has a very beautiful voice and I’m so glad she could get along.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@alicelopes1994 Жыл бұрын
@@thecooler170 se realmente fosse falso o seu pai não estaria tão aflito lá atrás
@joshualavallie3629 Жыл бұрын
I'm a shudder myself and I am 43 and you are inspiration
@madmax829882 ай бұрын
Put on a jacket maybe
@outrigger649 Жыл бұрын
She MUST write songs and send tapes!!!! She is awesome anf the world wants to hear more songs of her!
@davidrincon95192 жыл бұрын
She sounds like an angel and you can hear a pin drop in the audience. She is just as beautiful just like an angel. Amazing singer and mega talented
@loaanisi28322 жыл бұрын
@louiseandersen40392 жыл бұрын
@radzijuwita83092 жыл бұрын
@@loaanisi2832 000 re3e
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@KMC-DIY-Official2 жыл бұрын
@@nayon9379 lol
@jayveongreen51572 жыл бұрын
Amanda Mammana man I can’t even finish the video I’m currently in real tears. 😭 she’s so precious and a gem.
@fayeyoung70592 жыл бұрын
Amanda, the song and your voice are awesome. I would love to read the lyrics. It could be a hit wherever you go.
@pamelathompson34432 жыл бұрын
u7 I 7liiloo0o0lil7ll)I)ill pollution oooo plop 0o00llllkkkkkk(lllll(oo((l(kkkkkkkko pop op0
@carolsmart238 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful girl with a beautiful voice, singing a beautiful song!!!🙏🏼💕🤗
@laurentoro2764 Жыл бұрын
This young girl deserves a lot of credit to be able to sing despite her disability with her stuttering.God bless her voice.
@rickydavis975 Жыл бұрын
@marykelly641 Жыл бұрын
People that are stuttering are all able to sing. I don't know why this happens, but I think what the body has to do to be able to talk; is not the same mechanism to be able to sing.
@nolpferd3818 Жыл бұрын
@@marykelly641because you use an other Part of you Brain to sing and speak…
@thomaswilliams-rd2iv Жыл бұрын
There was a singer on a similar show in the UK many years ago with a stutter, he went on to become a huge star..
@nartx553 Жыл бұрын
@@marykelly641 it's just that they are trained to sing so they are used to it stuttering comes from not being able to form a sentence
@monmca9371 Жыл бұрын
Why haven't I heard Chapel Hart on the radio yet? I love their sound and energy!
@brenredhead3482 Жыл бұрын
Amanda is one of the bravest women I have ever seen. She sings beautifully.❤
@joshwagner84682 жыл бұрын
She's so awesome to go on the show in front of all them people. Job well done
@collinsomusuo2 жыл бұрын
Yeah real job well done.. Joshwagner can we text if you don't mind?
@play-book2 жыл бұрын
ur profile pic is also awesume
@cherylcrowther1017 Жыл бұрын
@joseaugusto3989 Жыл бұрын
all right
@desbermante8249 Жыл бұрын
L 😅ooookœ
@mamashay072 жыл бұрын
Omg the country girls are AMAZING!! that diva can sannng
@theathlete1903 Жыл бұрын
That last kids voice is one of a kind! He should win!
@barbarawinston87216 ай бұрын
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤❤❤ I was just thinking of this
@PureWater-w7c4 ай бұрын
Stunning 😊
@CHADY_182 жыл бұрын
Amanda sing well. I think we should all accept our scars and make them beautiful as she did.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@StephenThomson-jy3rm Жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful how are you doing
@TheTolstoy2nd6 ай бұрын
Beautifully expressed. Superb comment.
@willyreimer80422 жыл бұрын
Good heavens the trio singing "you can have him Joleen" you gals ROCK
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@noritacantal28012 жыл бұрын
Its amazing, i cried a lot when she started to sing... i couldn't help it... love her.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@investment-mk3vl8 ай бұрын
The first singer Amanda has a beautiful tone and richness to her voice
@troyte-elan49838 ай бұрын
So pretty and with a good voice
@DanielLevenson-bx1xg6 ай бұрын
@jensenidisks77452 жыл бұрын
the last guy has a ton of potential. he needs a great song with lyrics because his voice is definitely there
@23jonesben2 жыл бұрын
Check out Nicotine Dolls. They have a stack of good material
@mariagill51832 жыл бұрын
What do you mean 'he needs'. He's got just tghat in his original song. And there's lots more with his band Nicotine dolls
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person and one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity Be Found"? --- third part 🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said "WHEN JESUS CALLED GOD IN HEAVEN IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER WHILE HE WAS PRAYING, IT WAS DONE ONLY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF CREATED MAN, BECAUSE ONLY THE SPIRIT OF GOD WEARED COMMON AND NORMAL FLESH AND HAD AN OUTER COVER OF A CREATED ONE. Even though He had the Spirit of God within Him, His outward appearance was still like that of a normal man; in other words, He became the 'Son of man' to whom all men, including Jesus Himself, spoke is called the Son of man, He is a person (whether male or female, in any case with the outer shell of a person) born in a normal family of ordinary people. Therefore, JESUS CALLING GOD IN HEAVEN IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER IS THE SAME AS HOW YOU FIRST CALL HIM FATHER; He did this from the perspective of a created man. ... His speaking to God (that is, the Spirit in heaven) in such a way, however, does not prove that He is the Son of the Spirit of God in heaven. Rather, His perspective is different, not because He is a different person. Having unique people is a mistake!" WE CAN SEE IN THE WORDS OF GOD THAT THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT CALLS THE LORD JESUS THE BELOVED SON IS GOD WHICH TESTIFIES OF HIS INCARNATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE SPIRIT. It was not done by the Holy Spirit, no one can know the true identity of the Lord Jesus. SO THIS OPEN TESTIMONY ALLOWS PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT THE LORD JESUS IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD. And the Lord Jesus called God in heaven Father when He prayed because of the human body, He was not supernatural, but lived with normal humanity and He felt like a regular person. THAT'S WHY HE CALLED THE SPIRIT OF GOD THE HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO STANDED IN THE PLACE OF THE CREATED CREATION. Praying in this way fully reflects Christ's humanity and obedience. But based on the prayers of the Lord Jesus to the Father, the religious world divided God into two, saying that Jesus and Jehovah have a father-son relationship. What nonsense! 🌺 PHILIP, THE DISCIPLE OF THE LORD JESUS, ASKED HIM ABOUT THIS, SAYING, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us" (John 14:8). WHAT WAS HIS RESPONSE? THE LORD SAID, "I have been with you a long time, but do you not know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; and how can you say, show us the Father? I am in the Father, and the Father is in Mine?" (John 14:9-10). HE ALSO SAID, "I and My Father are one" (John 10:30). CLEARLY, THE FATHER AND THE SON ARE ONE GOD, AND THERE IS NO FATHER-SON RELATIONSHIP LIKE PEOPLE THINK. The only reason this idea of a Father and a Son came about is because God became flesh, and it only applies to His time working in the flesh. As soon as God's work in the human body is finished, He regains His original form and there is no longer anything like Father and Son. Let's look at another passage of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "THE SPIRIT WITHIN JESUS, THE SPIRIT IN HEAVEN, AND THE SPIRIT OF JEHOVAH ARE ALL ONE. IT IS CALLED THE HOLY SPIRIT, THE SPIRIT OF GOD, the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and all -of-all Spirits. GOD'S SPIRIT CAN DO MANY WORKS. 🙏🌺 He can create the world and destroy it by flooding the earth; He can redeem all mankind, and more, He can conquer and destroy all mankind. This work is all done by God Himself and cannot be done by any of the persons of God who are His substitutes. HIS SPIRIT CAN NOW BE CALLED ON IN THE NAME OF JEHOVAH AND JESUS, SO MIGHTY. HE IS LORD, and CHRIST. HE ALSO CAN BE THE SON OF MAN. HE IS IN HEAVEN AS WELL AS ON EARTH, HE IS HIGH ABOVE THE UNIVERSES AND IN THE MIDST OF MOST. 🌺 He is the only Master of heaven and earth! 🙏 From the time of creation until now, this work has been carried out by the Spirit of God Himself. Whether the work in heaven or in the flesh, everything is done by His own Spirit. All creatures, whether in heaven or on earth, are in the palm of His Almighty hand, all of this is the work of God Himself and cannot be done by anyone else in His place. IN HEAVEN, HE IS THE SPIRIT BUT ALSO GOD HIMSELF; TO PEOPLE, HE IS FLESH BUT REMAINS GOD HIMSELF. ALTHOUGH HE MAY BE CALLED BY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF NAMES, HE IS STILL HIMSELF, THE DIRECT EXPRESSION OF HIS SPIRIT. 🌺 The redemption of all mankind by His crucifixion is the direct work of His Spirit, and so is the proclamation to all nations and lands in the last days. AT ALL TIMES, GOD CAN ONLY BE CALLED ALMIGHTY---OVER---ALL AND THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE ALL-OF-ALL GOD HIMSELF. 🙏 Distinct persons do not exist, especially this idea of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. THERE IS ONE GOD IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH!" From "The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@thammasornpathummas58842 жыл бұрын
One who raise oneself...make the crowd to stand up ovation...
@claudehopkins1627 Жыл бұрын
❤Amanda's self acceptance 😅
@BornLoveandEnergy2 жыл бұрын
Amaze N! Everyone sang so beautifully. Loved it. His voice was gorgeous gorgeous.
@amrudhashree5419 Жыл бұрын
The power of music is unreal. Wow what a great song.
@flojro2 жыл бұрын
I don't stutter, but I can't sing in front of a large crowd. Beautiful and brave Amanda.
@audraarndt18242 жыл бұрын
Sam, Nicotine Dolls singer gives me the biggest chills every time i hear him.
@robertwillert3614 Жыл бұрын
Took courage. And Amanda has a beautiful voice.
@muzahidurrohman93008 ай бұрын
after 1 year watching this again. And just wished for amanda, just beautiful voice she has.
@cas77_o2 жыл бұрын
Nicotine Dolls has obviously put in the work. His technique is impeccable
@melissamclaughlin5161 Жыл бұрын
I love Nicotine Dolls!
@diwashsinghraut69042 жыл бұрын
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@helenwoodrum23832 жыл бұрын
My heart breaks for Amanda. She sounds like she has trouble breathing when she tries to talk. She is a strong young woman and her voice is pure and beautiful. Simon's eyes opened wide when she started to sing.
@Arkanius19842 жыл бұрын
she is stuttering, i had the same but when you sing it is never there. This is some weird magic.
@helenwoodrum23832 жыл бұрын
@@Arkanius1984 I have sang in choirs for years and after reading your post I started thinking. I thought about everything that goes into singing from breathing to how you hold your tongue, lips, etc. When you open up to sing a word compared to just saying it the person's vocals are different. Try it, see what I mean.
@Danielthelegatus-ke6ox Жыл бұрын
Though she stutter when she opens her mouth to talk, but hell no, she ain't stuttering when singing..Music is so spiritual and powerful that it break all barricade and melt all waxes..bless you Amanda dearie..
@maryvandermeiden8952 Жыл бұрын
@rionholdtonceandfutureboat8947 Жыл бұрын
@@Arkanius1984I believe it’s because different sides of the brain are involved (language/rationality is one side and creativity is the other)… accessing the other side is creative too🤔🤗
@ricardogarcia982 жыл бұрын
First girl! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 AMAZING!!! What a lesson to all of us! Bravooo!!!
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@BundesengelMichael2 Жыл бұрын
Some people have a handicap. People we laugh at, we bully that we don't respect. And. Some people are gifted with a talent. Amanda has both. She is one of many people who have a handicap and are extraordinary people. If I were God, I'd tell her I'm so proud of you. Respect your fellow human beings, they will thank you.
@kennykarlsson66912 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful voice and performence. She should definetly sing for the rest of her life ,its seems so much easyer for her.
@KennyTseraha-xg6gu Жыл бұрын
Such a heart. She's beautiful and very talented. She's proved that she's also human and demands respect. Loved her performance. Nice video.
@abdulaiabdulkarim85432 жыл бұрын
singing and talking are too different thing.She is just an Angel. Amazing
@mi.dogman44382 жыл бұрын
God bless Amanda!!! That’s courage! And an amazing song as well!
@josephinegagai Жыл бұрын
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 you are a go getter,dispite your situation, ❤❤❤❤🦾🦾🦾👌👌👌👌 God bless you abundantly 🙏🙏🙏🙏.🇰🇪🇰🇪
@FredroWarledo Жыл бұрын
She just need someone that gonna comfort her make her happy I bet it would go away 🥺🥺
@Kojow78 ай бұрын
This thinking is actually backwards. Stuttering can be caused by a number of things. It can sometimes be caused by a medical condition, but is most often caused by pride (too much focus on what people think about you). Sometimes, that pride can be rooted in a past trauma (such as abuse, lack of a good father figure, or some form of rejection). If it is an issue with pride, it can often be overcome by the following: 1) Learning about the love of God. (John 3:16) 2) Learning to not worry about what others think of you, but about how God loves you. If we worry to much about what others think of us, our focus is primarily on ourself, rather than on God where it should be. (It's a type of self-worship). 3) Begin to focus on the needs of others. Do good deeds for other people. Don't do it to get praise or recognition or because it will make your day, but learn to help others because it will make their day. Pride often leads to different side effects such as stuttering, depression, mental health issues, etc. Putting these three into practice can begin the process of overcoming these barriers in one's life. Only God can fulfill all of our needs. If you try to find another person to externally validate you, you end up putting that person on a pedestal where they do not belong. You end making that person your saviour rather than God. Ultimately, you will realize that person has flaws, and can never fulfill all of your needs.
@jovalove Жыл бұрын
I like how Amanda made us wait. We’re always so quick to make opinions and hurry up hurry up we get impatient. I love how we had to slow down to listen to her. It was really cool
@scottholford470 Жыл бұрын
So inspiring, we need more of this to counter all the negativity in today's world. Keep it going❤
I never tire of listening to Sam Sciri. He is spectacularly talented very charismatic.
@stellarocquie79572 жыл бұрын
So awful. Sounds like fingernails on a blackboard.
@myratrench44012 жыл бұрын
@@stellarocquie7957 Your opinion.
@llkg92 жыл бұрын
@@stellarocquie7957 Yeah, sounded like an infatuated beta male - the kind that girls with low self esteem love because he worships them (until the next one comes along).
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@TheTolstoy2nd6 ай бұрын
@@stellarocquie7957You are sick.
@davida16062 жыл бұрын
About the first girl. The whole reason people can achieve flow is because they can perform a process or carry a feeling without nerves disrupting or distracting the flow of what is happening. Singing quiets her nerves. So then if you are doing a long and boring process or repetitive task just play music and sing along to lightly carry you through it all. Instead of suffering in drudgery or boredom.
@brenredhead3482 Жыл бұрын
I have been to the Grand old Opry, I had the pleasure of hearing some wonderful singers. I think the female group that sang about Jolene "give him back" needs to sing in Nashville. They had the audience jumping up and dancing at their seats 💺. You go, girls.
@emmanuelkuhiyoppatrick4854 Жыл бұрын
You are very right. I was taken away by awe.
@harrismagushacharambenichr1154 Жыл бұрын
A powerful performance. Tears are still flowing.
@Alonso.A.M2 жыл бұрын
Having stutter and be right there in front of millions watching you is a champion's mindset. She is a champion
@morganfern292 жыл бұрын
Amanda is so beautiful and amazingly talented. She is so inspiring. I also loved Chapel Hart. I loved Chapel Hart’s song. I literally had it in my head for three days after their audition. It is a huge hit.
@collinsomusuo2 жыл бұрын
Hello morgan
@mommabear42322 жыл бұрын
I dont have cable so cant follow show but just love and have always loved these ladies
@Stevenclark10582 жыл бұрын
Yes 👍
@larryorrin24702 жыл бұрын
Hello dear, how are you doing? Nice meeting you here
@play-book2 жыл бұрын
Amanda looking cool🤩
@Ezeonyiwara2 жыл бұрын
So beautiful! She is so strong 💪 irrespective of the stammering
@yolandacisneros50393 ай бұрын
It takes good people like you to make the world go around 😅❤ GOD BLESS YOU
@garyneilson3075 Жыл бұрын
Music can help us in so many ways, it helped her to become an amazing writer singer,..... It helps us to recognize and feel empathy for our beautiful fellow human....
@Jordys_Cursed_Camera2 жыл бұрын
When Simon said "I love the fact he's in a band that's only him" had me rollin 🤣
@sanchopanchoboi2 жыл бұрын
He is the star Simon said after
@StephenThomson-jy3rm Жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful how are you doing 👋 💗
@leonardihachi27962 жыл бұрын
Oooh my😢😢. My tears in 2022 December 9th! So pretty
@johnlopez36072 жыл бұрын
We love you Amanda forever and ever and ever
@anastasiaguadalupe7742 жыл бұрын
God Bless Her. She Amazing 💕
@Kurayamizz2 жыл бұрын
I have a stutter worse than Amanda’s. It is very hard to deal with in life, and I’m glad she found a way to deal with it. I tried but I can’t.
@thecooler1702 жыл бұрын
It's fake. She want clout
@Kurayamizz2 жыл бұрын
It is not fake, I can tell.
@thecooler1702 жыл бұрын
Well of all the agt episodes about their illness you don't think maybe 1 of them is a lie. Nothing is 100% real. Maybe 90% the most are true. But there r fakes out there just saying.
@susanaobeid67702 жыл бұрын
@@thecooler170 your right dear
@thecooler1702 жыл бұрын
@♡Chees3Cake♡ well what piss you off more then?? The person who just believe they don't have an illness because they just don't know about it but they do have an illness(not doing anything wrong other than guessing them wrong). Or the person with an ill will just playing victim card and actual pretending to be ill (fake) just for fam and money. Which will piss u off more?
@davehewitt181 Жыл бұрын
Amanda is a gift from God. I love her voice and talent
@kevinkammueller7553 Жыл бұрын
No, she is just a human, with a big talent.
@TheTreyKingShow2 жыл бұрын
I love to hear and see real talented people do what God has blessed them to do.
@kalivanua24842 жыл бұрын
Amen. God is good all the time.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@josephbasha2941 Жыл бұрын
Amanda you are magical and loved by me and others Bless you
@carolburns36982 жыл бұрын
YES!!!!! He’s Got it! That soul! New Jersey!!!! Yes! My Hometown
@Boutys_mom2 жыл бұрын
Such beautiful, original performances! Absolutely loved the play on Dolly's song!!
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@sblank692 жыл бұрын
@TobinOsusky Жыл бұрын
Amanda Mammana!!!! Superhero
@ahlimbuhap50972 жыл бұрын
Amanda, you're absolutely marvellous. God bless you.
@reaper121 Жыл бұрын
OMG! I truely love this young lady. She is amazing. I would enjoyed it more at the start if I didn't cry. God Bless this beautiful young lady.
@englishwithzuli68002 жыл бұрын
The first girl is BRAVE 👏👏
@Stevenclark10582 жыл бұрын
Yes she is, she has a very beautiful voice and I’m so glad she could get along.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@StephenThomson-jy3rm Жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful how are you doing 👋 💗
@MeditationForLifeU Жыл бұрын
Amanda, you are a beautiful young lady,and your impediment does not make you any less than anyone, you need to know that because it is true .
@Xaris982 жыл бұрын
She's self proven that the "stutter" is in her mind. She doesn't stutter doing things she does with love and confidence.
@lilysmith50862 жыл бұрын
It actually is a problem with her brain, speaking and singing use different parts of the brain, therefore someone may have something affecting their speaking part and not their singing part
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@Xaris982 жыл бұрын
@@nayon9379 God is one and only. He begot none, neither He was begotten. There is nothing like Him. He is Allah ! Jesus is one of His miraculous and mighty messengers. And Jesus was the son of virgin Mary. May Allah be pleased with them.
@DianeFarrell-nc8sv4 күн бұрын
What a wonderful young lady. Love to Amanda
@cliffallstadt39818 ай бұрын
She’s beautiful inside and out,🙏🏽
@karavigroupyachtcharters Жыл бұрын
Life has been given to us to appreciate so even the last minute we must make the most of it! We love you Jane
@ginamcginley88242 жыл бұрын
What's wrong with the establishment in Nashville?! These ladies have STAR quality! I hope they hit it BIG in country music. They have thr hearts of their audiences!!!
@fivetimesyo2 жыл бұрын
Something in the water
@mikep90329 ай бұрын
I'm amazed by how she captures the audience. Watch her eyes . From the moment she announces her song she keeps focusing back to Simon. She gets her approval when he finally stands.
@robertomarchiori95892 жыл бұрын
Chapel Heart are the best! Absolutely fantastic!!
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one person of the one God, that is Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be found"? ---- the last part 🌴🌴🌴🌴 Almighty God said FROM THE WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD, WE CAN SEE THAT GOD IS A SPIRIT, THAT HE IS THE HOLY SPIRIT. HE IS POWERFUL; HE CREATED THE HEAVEN, THE EARTH, AND ALL THINGS, AND RULES OVER ALL. 🙏 He can become flesh for His work and live with people in a practical way. He looks like a regular person from the outside, but all His work is governed by the Spirit of God. When His work in the human body was complete, God regained His original form. The fleshly form is how God appears to humanity during a phase of His work. AND SO, IF GOD WORKS DIRECTLY FROM THE SPIRIT, OR WORKS IN THE FLESH, WHETHER HE IS CALLED JEHOVAH, JESUS, OR ALMIGHTY GOD, HE IS THE SAME SPIRIT. HE IS GOD HIMSELF, HE IS SELF-EXISTENT AND ETERNAL, AND HE CREATED AND RULES ALL THINGS. 🙏💐 At this point in our relationship, I think it is clear to everyone that there is only one God, the one true God. There is no shadow of a doubt. CHRISTIANITY HOLDS THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD IS THE TRINITY, INSISTS THAT GOD IS DIVIDED INTO THREE PARTS, DESTROYING THE BELIEF THAT ONLY THE THREE TOGETHER MAKE ONE TRUE GOD, AND SEPARATELY, THEY ARE NOT THE ONE TRUE ONE GOD. Isn't this really a rejection of God? 🌺 Mankind who have a great misunderstanding about God proves that they do not remotely understand the Bible or know the spirit of God, and they are incredibly arrogant in their understanding of the literal content of the Bible, which limits and divides God based on human notions and imaginations. . It actually contradicts and blasphemes God. 😪 And NOW ALMIGHTY GOD, CHRIST OF THE LAST DAYS COME, REVEALING THE TRUTH TO DO HIS WORK, EXPOSING THE GREATEST ERROR OF THE RELIGIOUS WORD---THE TRINITY. 🌺 Now we can be sure that God is the only true God. HIS SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE ONE TRUE GOD, AND HIS INCARNATIONS ARE THE ONE TRUE GOD. 🙏 As His Spirit, as the Holy Spirit, and His incarnation, He is the one true God and He is the only God. He is inseparable. If people cannot accept these truths but stubbornly cling to their notions and imaginations, insisting on believing in the Trinity, seeing the one true God as three Gods that is the sin of judging and blaspheming God. 😪 Blasphemy against the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, no one will be hurt by its consequences. The wise have the opportunity to wake up without delay and stop and stop clinging to this wrong view to avoid making the mistake of fighting God. 😪 THE LORD JESUS SAID, "All kinds of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to people: And whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, not even in this world, not even in the age to come" (Matthew 12: 31). -32) The religious world still stubbornly insists on this fallacy of the Trinity. How long will they resist God? IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP. THE ALMIGHTY GOD SAID, " DURING THESE MANY YEARS, GOD WAS DIVIDED BY YOU IN THIS WAY, DIVIDED FINEER AND FINEER IN EACH GENERATION, UNTIL THE ONE GOD HAS BEEN OBVIOUSLY DIVIDED INTO THREE GODS. And now it is impossible for people to rejoin God as one, because you have divided Him too much! If it weren't for My prompt work before it was too late, it would be hard to say how long you would have bravely continued this way! 🌺 To continue to divide God in this way. , how can He still be your God? Can you still know God?" "Your logic completely separates the work of God? Can you gain insight into all of Jehovah's work? ARE YOU AS A MAN WHO CAN UNDERSTAND IT ALL, OR IS IT GOD HIMSELF WHO SEES FROM ETERNITY TO TO ETERNITY? Do you see from eternity past to the eternity of heaven, earth, and all things, or does God see from eternity past to eternity to come? What can you say? How are you worthy to explain God? On what basis is your explanation? Are you God? The heavens and the earth, and all things were created by God Himself. You didn't do it, so why are you giving false explanations? Now, you continue to believe in three Gods? Don't you think others are too heavy this way? It is better for you to believe in one God, not three. It is best to be light, because the Lord's burden is light " 🙏 From " THE WORD Appears in the Flesh " All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW HE CAME AGAIN, He brought the last DAY which means the last age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption, and man entered the new and last age the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " In the LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL STAND ABOVE ON THE 5 MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@teresarene1 Жыл бұрын
Mel Tillis was a country singer that also had a stutter but became one of the most loved country singers in country so use him as your inspiration nothing should hold you up in anything you want to do ❤
@beverlyjackson77302 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love, love, love Chapel Heart 💜! After seeing them I googled the trio and their version of 9 to 5 is delightful as well. The other songs they perform are awesome as well. They definitely have a great future ahead of them. Those girls can SANG!!
@ejfuller64542 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed the rendition of Jolene
@williamgreg71822 жыл бұрын
My heart also melt too,where're you from,I would want us to know ourselves
@williamgreg71822 жыл бұрын
@@ejfuller6454 I enjoy it too,where're you from?
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@danieldd544 Жыл бұрын
@WendyBos-en7bk Жыл бұрын
That performance was amazing.. Congratulations Amanda.
@MandyLeeRain2 жыл бұрын
You can have him Jolene. Genius Ladies 👏🏼👏🏼
@StephenThomson-jy3rm Жыл бұрын
Hello beautiful how are you doing 👋 💗
@byronautry25552 жыл бұрын
Chapel Heart is the greatest country trio , I'm invovled in music , But Not so much country , Alhought I know the biggest artist out there . Personally . These young ladies are FANTASTIC ! Watch for them !
@conrad87772 жыл бұрын
What an amazing young woman,voice of an angel, incredible performance
@Frank-b2u Жыл бұрын
All for You Mr Trump!!! May God Bless you for standing up for us American people and His way. This is just from a Homeless Marine Veteran with children ages 13 and 7 suffering from the contamination of Camp Lejeune NC. My insides are rotting away from the contamination and I have to shut down my construction company because of my health issues caused by the contamination from being at Camp Lejeune for almost 2 years, 1984 to 1986. Had 2 different surgeries done will in active duty. Now I rotting from my Esphogust to my Colon. Lots of medical proof. But still no help. No but empty promises. Please I pray that when God puts you back in authority that you help us little guys who sign that blank check of our lives for our Country are not for gotten. I thank God that my family is still together ❤️. We staying in a temporary Genesis housing in New York in search for a home in housing pandemic here. I thank God for keeping us fed and warm. Please again don't forget us. I voting for you. I believe in you Mr. Trump. ❤
@diliupg2 жыл бұрын
Speech and singing are not related and happen in different parts of the brain. She's a talented singer.
@eleonoragipp53232 жыл бұрын
She should sing her answers, just a phantasy melody
@rionholdtonceandfutureboat8947 Жыл бұрын
Ahh that’s what I figured out! ……because different sides of the brain are involved (language/rationality is one side and creativity is the other)… accessing the other side is creative too🤔🤗
@TheTolstoy2nd6 ай бұрын
Oh Amanda Mammana has just a super personality. It seems She has through sheer hard work learnt to face the world and realized her true potential, that is writing, composing and singing lovely, mesmerizing, soothing ballads that can top the charts. Sometimes It seems strange someone you never met who lives some 12, 13 thousand miles away from you, across some huge oceans, who is altogether different from you genetically, is of different color, perhaps has a completely different mindset than you but you still long for that person so much that it turns into a heartache but just then you realize your bus has left a long time ago and that person has just reached the bus stop and can never ever be yours. Devastating Love Rhapsody. Stay blessed Amanda, more power to you. You go girl and conquer all.
@lewthrasher58652 жыл бұрын
I watch this girl every time she pops up . I love her determination and strength to do this. My friend stuttered and I found myself saying for him what I know he wanted to say I was sorry for that. I didn't know at first if it was helpful or degrading or ignorant on my part.
@nayon93792 жыл бұрын
THE GOSPEL OF ALMIGHTY GOD (Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one person and one God, that is the Almighty God) "Can the Idea of the Trinity be Found"?🌴 Almighty God said BECAUSE THE LORD JESUS INCARNATED DID THE WORK OF THE AGE OF GRACE, FOR 2,000 YEARS, ALL OF CHRISTIANITY REFERRED TO THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE "TRINITY." BECAUSE THE BIBLE MENTIONS THE FATHER, THE SON, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, THEY PROMOTE THAT GOD MUST BE A TRINITY. 🌺 There was some debate, but most people stuck to the idea of the Trinity without any change. Some people say "Trinity," and others say "Three in One," which are essentially the same, and mean the same thing. Whether we say "Trinity" or "Three in One," it says that God is made up of three parts, They are not the one God. Only when they are together can they become one true God. It's just a ridiculous thing to say. Can you really say that JEHOVAH God is not the only true God? Or is the Lord JESUS not the only true God? IS NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT THE ONE TRUE GOD? 🙏 IS NOT THIS CONCEPT OF THE TRINITY A REJECTION AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ONE TRUE GOD? Isn't the one true God being carved up and blasphemed? We can see how crazy this idea of the Trinity is. THEREFORE, THE RELIGIOUS WORLD IDENTIFIES THE ONE TRUE GOD AS THE TRINITY, SEPARATE HIM THROUGHOUT TIME. It is very painful for God. 😢 The religious world clings tightly to it and refuses to change at all times. NOW, THE ALMIGHTY GOD OF THE LAST DAYS HAS COME TO DO THE WORK OF JUDGMENT, REVEALING ALL THE MEANS THAT SAVE HUMANITY. HE COMPLETELY DISPUTE THE GREATEST ERROR OF CHRISTIANITY---THE TRINITY. 🙏🙏💐 It opened our eyes and we praised Christ from our hearts as the way, the truth, and the life, and praised. God is wise and almighty. 🌺 If God did not directly expose this lie, we would not discover the absurdities within the idea of the Trinity. Let's take a closer look at this by reading some of God's words. ALMIGHTY GOD SAYS, "IF ANY ONE OF YOU SAYS THE TRINITY DOES EXIST, THEN EXPLAIN WHAT EXACTLY ONE GOD IS IN THREE PERSONS. WHAT IS THE HOLY FATHER? What is the Son? What is the Holy One?" Spirit? IS JEHOVAH THE HOLY FATHER? IS JESUS THE SON? Then what about the Holy Spirit? ISN'T THE WORK OF JESUS THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? ISN'T JEHOVAH'S WORK DONE BY A SPIRIT SIMILAR TO JESUS'S? How many Spirits can God have? According to your explanation, the three persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are one; So, then, there are three Spirits, but the existence of three Spirits means that there are three Gods. That is, there is no one true God; how can this kind of God still have the natural essence of God? 🌺 If you accept that there is only one God, then how can He have a son and be a father? Aren't these all just your notions? 'THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD, ONLY ONE PERSON IN THIS GOD, AND ONLY ONE SPIRIT OF GOD, AS IT IS WRITTEN IN THE BIBLE THAT THERE IS ONLY ONE HOLY SPIRIT AND ONLY ONE GOD.' 🙏 Regardless of when the Father and the Son you say existed, there is only one God after all, and the spirit of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that you believe in is the spirit of the Holy Spirit. IN SIMPLE WORDS, GOD IS THE SPIRIT, BUT HE CAN BE FLESH AND LIVE WITH PEOPLE, AS WELL AS ABOVE ALL THINGS. That Spirit is omnipresent and omnipresent. He can be simultaneously in the flesh and above the universe. 🙏💐 everyone says that God is the only true God, then there is only one God, who is not divided by anyone! He became three persons, each with a status and a Spirit; then how can He still be a Spirit and a God? Tell Me, was heaven and earth, and all things created by the Father, the Son, or the Holy Spirit? say that They created it all together. Then who redeemed mankind? Is it the Holy Spirit, the Son, or the Father? Some say that the Son redeemed mankind. So who is the Son essentially? Is He not the incarnation of the Spirit of God? The incarnation calls God in heaven by the name of the Father from the perspective of a created man. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT JESUS WAS BORN THROUGH THE CONCEPTION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT? WITHIN HIM IS THE HOLY SPIRIT; no matter what you say, HE IS STILL A GOD IN HEAVEN, BECAUSE HE IS THE INCARNATION OF GOD'S SPIRIT. This idea of the Son is simply not true. It is a Spirit that does all the work; only God Himself, that is, the Spirit of God does His work. Who is the Spirit of God? Is not the Holy Spirit? DIDN'T THE HOLY SPIRIT WORK IN JESUS? If the work is not performed by the Holy Spirit (that is, the Spirit of God), then can His work represent God Himself?" From " The Word Appears in the Flesh" All are leading here! It stands in the air or in our generation it is KZbin! His kingdom that came down from heaven "THE CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD"💐 ☀️(so NOW that HE has COME AGAIN, He has brought the last day or last Age and ended the Age of Grace and redemption and man entered the Age of the Kingdom or Age of the Word).☀️ This is the fulfillment of (Matthew 16:18) The Lord Jesus said, "And I say to you, Peter, UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, which even the power of death will not prevail against. " And prophecy of Him changing a new Name (Revelation 2:17 and 3:12) "To those who overcome I will give the hidden food from heaven. I will also give each of them a WHITE STONE (white stone means holy Church) on which a NEW NAME is written, which no one knows except the one who receives it." And "He that overcometh I will make a pillar in the TEMPLE of my God, and he shall not be removed from it forever. " I will engrave on him the NAME of my God, and the name of the CITY of my God, the NEW JERUSALEM THAT WILL COME DOWN FROM HEAVEN TO MY GOD. I WILL ALSO ENGRAV HIM MY NEW NAME." 🌺 Fulfillment of (Isaiah 2:2) it will be built in the air! " ON THE LAST DAY, THE MOUNTAIN ON WHICH THE TEMPLE OF JEHOVAH IS STANDING WILL RISE ABOVE ALL THE MOUNTAINS. All the nations will come to it."
@Puro-Boricua2 жыл бұрын
Her Voice is so Beautiful...sign her up NOW
@kumarvasanth98532 жыл бұрын
This is God gifted voice and GOD BLESS U.
@joycefranks5954 Жыл бұрын
Beautiful Girl, BEAUTIFUL VOICE..Thanks for Blessing us⭐️